Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Yesterday a friend had a link to this website (a holy experience) and I was browsing around it for a bit when I came across this entry. And as I'm reading it, instead of feeling uplifted and optimistic, I feel like the worlds worst Mom. Really? Is all that even possible? Are you saying I shouldn't raise my voice? Who does that? Or doesn't do that as the case may be. When your 4 kids are screaming hysterically, chasing each other, wrestling and pulling hair...I'm supposed to hug them? Somehow I just don't think that's the answer. And while I'd like to be that Mom, that super cool Mom whose kids flock to her with adoration, and there's never any screaming or pushing, somedays I just don't think that's possible.

Do you?


  1. Without reading the link you gave, as you might imagine, I am TOTALLY and COMPLETELY WITH YOU, Lisa. :)

  2. Dude. Do I need to come over there??? You are a good mum because you haven't eaten your young. Yet. I am sure there are glorious women out there who bake in their pearls, have amazing bodies, never yell, etc etc. Is that me? HECK NO. I have days where things go right and I feel like I whooped Martha's butt. Then other days I feel like the fact that I am still standing is a triumph in itself. It happens. Life happens. You are a wonderful person, a phenomenal wife (remember I know your Hubs and his job) and a super fun mum. Shrug off this cloak of doubt!!! It doesn't come from anywhere good. Be well, take care and I will see you SOON! xo

  3. It is totally possible, if your name is Mary Poppins.

    Those are incredibly optimistic goals, and maybe it's possible to be That Woman/That Mother, but I've met a few along the way who are trying to be, and I didn't really like them. There was a tendency to either be living in denial, or just a sense that they were trying too hard.

    On one hand, those are great goals to strive to meet every day. On the other hand, I don't know that realistically, they are attainable, and if I were striving unsuccessfully to Be All That every day, I'd probably end up being a quivering mass of depression and self loathing by the end of the week.

    So... maybe in a perfect world with perfect kids, but honestly, I don't think it's possible.

    Not all; not every day.

  4. Impossible!! Unless you are raising perfect little robot clones......

    All the things kidlets do to drive us to the edge of sanity are also the traits that are prized and are needed to survive and thrive in the real world!!

    I'm not your friend.. I'm your mom (and to misquote the song) I'll yell if I want to ;o)
