Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy December

Wow, December already, and I've done what? 1 previous post! Haha!

It's funny you think you have so much to say, and at the time, maybe I did. But then life happens and you have 3 kids throwing up chunks at the same time plus a sick husband and you realize that you don't have time to write, let alone wipe the snot off of kid #4. And life gets put into a whole new perspective.

And so here we are. December 1. I feel like it's been forever since I've done anthing alone with my husband. I have an extremely emotional daughter who's going into some sort of attention withdrawl and said the other day that she wants to "leave" (ouch. That one hurt.) So my mini goal is to spend more time with her, but then how do I do that without avoiding the other 3 kids? There's no way, especially when your spouse is only home half the time and sleeping the other 1/4.

Sometimes I wonder if this direction in life was the right choice for our family? Or did we completely hoop ourselves by moving here?

Anyway, I didn't mean to get so negative, it just kinda turned that way. Which is another know that feeling of negativity your soul gets when you know your drifting away from God? Well we've been feeling that for some time now and just gotta figure out how to get back on track. So if you think of us, could you send a word of prayer up? Gratefully appreciated.

So. Decemeber 1. Wow.

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